Dreamy travelers 1
Dreamy travelers 2
Dreamy travelers 4

The dream journeys of Puss Milo

Puss Milo likes napping, of course.
He nods off in his basket, snoozing everywhere…
He wakes up on a cloud high above the town.
His basket becomes a boat so he just float around.
He climbs on a tree and stays there, for a year.

Droom maar Poes Milo Book

Dream On, Puss Milo, Dream On

Puss Milo is sleeping again.
While sleeping in the laundry
basket he leaves the earth and
embarks himself in an interstelar
He dreams he’s a superstar and
run away with a circus.
He takes a nap in a bag and goes
on holiday. Dream on Milo.

Gato Milo gato de granja book

Puss Milo,
farm cat

In his dream Puss Milo wakes up
in a farm.
Beeh, cuac, oink… the animals try to
wake him up but he keeps dreaming
deeper and deeper away.

Wake up Milo, wake up.

Rubinstein  The Netherlands 
Panamericana  Colombia 
El Salmón editores  Colombia